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Need to Find a Pub? We've got you covered with our new interactive mapping tool

Updated: Nov 28, 2018

You want to head to the nearest pub, but maybe you're not in your local area...

Where are the nearest venues and how do I get there you wonder...

Or maybe you know the name of the pub you want to go to, but are unsure of the address or directions...

Well you've come to the right place!

AHA Newcastle Hunter's new Find a Pub feature will have you sorted in no time with its ability to:

  • Show you all our pubs and venues, and their details, just by entering a suburb

  • Show you all our pubs and venues, and their details, just by entering a venue name

  • Provide instant Google maps and directions for how to get there

Find a pub in Newcastle map

Our easy to use Find a Pub feature takes the guess work out of where to go and how to get there!

So, when used in conjunction with our weekly Gig Guide, you'll never miss a thing at any of our pubs across Newcastle and the Hunter.

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Australian Hotels Association 2018
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