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Not sure whether to apply? Hear from our previous participants about how the AHA Newcastle Hunter Women in Hospitality Scholarship changed their careers and lives...

“The AHA Newcastle Women’s Scholarship is an amazing opportunity for Newcastle women who are committed to a career in hospitality.


If you are passionate about hospitality and want to work with amazing mentors, I would highly recommend applying for 2024. I am so grateful to have participated in 2023 with some of the most incredible women I have ever met. I'm sure next year will be even better.”

“The 2023 Scholarship Program played a pivotal role in my personal development. The networking and relationship-building aspects of the program proved to be exceedingly valuable. Initially, I applied for the program with the intention of enhancing my knowledge of leadership styles and contributing to mentoring the next generation in my current position. However, I must admit that this program not only enriched my professional skills but also contributed significantly to my personal growth.

Collaborating, exchanging ideas, sharing challenges, and collectively growing with these immensely talented women has been instrumental in my personal and professional development.


If you're considering applying for this program in the coming year, I wholeheartedly recommend it".

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Australian Hotels Association 2018
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